About Holding Hands

Holding hands is a Registered community Interest company CIC in England and Wales. Registered in December 2022. Organisation reg number 14545855

Holding hands is a social enterprise on a mission to tackle Isolation, Trauma, Grief, suicide, and hopelessness and provide extra support to people in our community who are undergoing turbulent life challenging situations in form of, bereavement, relationship breakdown, ill health, isolation, poverty etc. To support them with therapies, mentoring and activities that help them build resilience and bounce back. We provide befriending support to people in the comfort of their homes and help engage people on social and recreational activities that will help them to build resilience and bounce back. We provide 1-2 support, Group peer support, Trainings and recreational activities to meet people’s needs
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Holding Hands Mission

To eradicate the impact of adverse mental health challenges on marginalised people in our community. To reduce Isolation, exclusion, distress and sickness and to promote a better Health and wellbeing for all in need. We aim to help create a nation without prejudice or discrimination and health inequality.


How Holding Hands can help

Bereavement counselling

If someone you know has died from a terminal illness, get free bereavement counselling with a qualified counsellor over the phone, virtually or face to face (subject to location). Book Here

Ongoing support over the phone

The Marie Curie Bereavement Service is a free, national service offering ongoing support, from the same volunteer, over the phone. It’s not a counselling service, but a safe place to talk and share your feelings. Book Here

Group support

Some people find meeting with other bereaved people in a support group helps them come to terms with their own feelings. Find a safe space to meet with others going through grief near you. Book Here

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